Friday, April 20, 2012

What I Needed to Say- Draft 1

Always, your princess

When you tell me how cute I used to be
it hurts 
how I used to be your princess
but no longer seem to be

I wish you could see that 
I still am your princess
or at least that I want to be
I try so hard to be good to you
even when you're so cruel to me

I can't help that I've grown
but you still seem to blame me
and talk about how good things used to be
when you still thought of me as your princess

1 comment:

  1. Really good emotion, now try to expand the imagery more. What does the hurt feel like- can you describe it more? What sensory details can you add- how are they cruel to you? Paint more pictures for your reader (show, don't tell).

    Good start, keep working and get me a final draft asap.
